Nicaraguan cigars have a long history tracing back to 1959 when the great Cuban cigar makers fled Cuba at the start of the Castro regime. Though it has only been since the turn of the 21st Century that Nicaragua has really hit its stride as the pre-eminent cigar producing country of the world, they are proudly responsible for making over 190 million sticks that are exported each year. This makes Nicaragua the No.1 premium cigar exporter in the whole world.
Nicaraguan cigars are rich and flavourful. It’s the rich volcanic soil found within its main produce growing regions that drives the creation of the best non-Cuban cigars in the world. These regions include Estelí, Jalapa Valley, Condega Valley and Ometepe.
Nicaraguan cigars are rich and flavourful. It’s the rich volcanic soil found within its main produce growing regions that drives the creation of the best non-Cuban cigars in the world. These regions include Estelí, Jalapa Valley, Condega Valley and Ometepe.
Estelí, Nicaragua, is a region with dark, dense soil that is responsible for strong tobaccos which are significantly spicy in character. With lots of sun the plants harvested within this region contain thick leaves. That means leaves with depth of character and flavour. They are used mainly as a filler component in a cigar’s blend. These same Esteli grown plants also give way to leaves for use as strong binders and Sun Grown wrappers.
The soil in the Jalapa Valley Nicaragua is similar to that found in Cuba’s Pinar del Rio valley. It’s a fine, sand-like soil that is slightly red in colour. This porous earthy dirt in Jalapa helps grow leaves that are relatively soft and with sort of a reddish tint. The Jalapa leaves are also quite sweet and aromatic making them a perfect cigar filler component. The nicest of leaves though are set aside for use as wrappers. The Oliva Serie ‘V’ range comprising the Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro,Oliva Serie V Belicoso, Oliva V No.4 Liga Especial and the Oliva V Churchill Extra (just to mention a few) all prominently feature the heavily fermented Jalapa Valley ligero leaf in their cigar blends.